Raspberry Pi
A pocket sized computer in a durable case. Different setups can be installed on SD cards, which makes the Pi a different computer every time you swap cards. Comes with a Windows style OS called Raspian, and one Pi has RetroPi which turns the Pi into a retro gaming console. Great for technically challenging class projects, and recommended for advanced students.
1 set of 5 Raspberry Pi kits
Set contains: 5 kits, 1 HDMI to VGA cable, 1 VGA to USB adapter
Each kit contains: 1 Raspberry Pi in case, 1 HDMI, 1 power supply, 1 Pi box, 1 MicroSD, 1 MicroSD adapter, 2 heatsinks, screws, safety guide
Learn Python coding, Linux terminal, PC and Hardware configuration.
Great for IoT projects
Retropie: A popular retro gaming OS
Unity: Free to use Unity game development software for students to make their own video games
Raspberry Pi is a board only; will require PC peripherals like mice, keyboards, and monitors