Documentaries, Movies & TV Series

Access a wide range of movies, TV series and documentaries.

Watch in your browser or download the Beamafilm app to your device! Unlimited streaming, watch whenever you like.

You will need your MCHL membership number and PIN/password to access Beamafilm. If you're not a MCHL member, join online for free.

If you have any issues logging in or getting started, please contact us or come and visit.

Find out how to get started with Beamafilm on your smartphone, tablet, computer or TV with Beamafilm’s sign-up instructions.

You will need your MCHL membership number and PIN/password to access Beamafilm. Sign up here.

The Beamafilm app makes it easy watch movies on your mobile device or smart TV! Download the app from Google Play or Apple Store today.

Access the Beamafilm help site.

The Beamafilm team can help you directly, if you use the Beamafilm contact form.
