Knitting social connections
After a generous donation of wool, the Have a Yarn knitting group decided to knit with a purpose and have now made their second donation of knitted good to Manchester House.
Patiently waiting for the Library to unlock for the day is a group of ladies eager to get out of the cooler temperatures and into the warmth of not only the building but the friendliness of the ‘Have a Yarn’ knitting group. The group meets every Wednesday from 10am - 12noon. While the attendance number fluctuates, due to some external advertising in recent weeks, the group has doubled in size and so too has the group’s purpose.
After a generous donation of wool, the Have a Yarn knitting group decided to knit with a purpose. With some more experienced knitters completing a baby sweater in one night, it doesn’t take long for the items to add up and this past Wednesday the group’s second donation was delivered to Manchester House.
One member shares that all of her grandchildren are now too big for her knitted items and so she is happy to share her talents with people that can use the items. The items range in size from premature, through to toddler and even a few adult sized winter hats and socks are in the mix because Moms and Dads need to be remembered as well. There are blankets, booties and even little teddy bears in a range of colours and patterns.
As much as the group is about knitting, the ladies are equally as excited to see who is making what pattern, the colours and how each project is progressing as they literally ‘have a yarn’ each week.
“The programming that will be offered through the new Manawatū Community Hub Libraries will range from instructor based, through to providing a place and a connection for people to share their talents”, Jenny Webb, Library Experience Representative explains. “The Have a Yarn group is a great way to meet new people and learn from each other.”
Jenny has meticulously documented each item that the group has made and donated. She is now working with other organisations that could benefit from various types of knitted items.
While the Manawatū Community Hub Libraries, relocates back to Stafford Street, the Have a Yarn group will meet at Rosebowl Bakery & Café in the meeting room that has been generously donated for the group to utilise.
There is not a charge to attend, just a willingness to join in ‘on the yarn’.
Jenny Webb from Manawatū Community Hub Libraries, Have a Yarn member, with Monica from Manchester House and a second Have a yarn member with the second donation drop off.